Auto Insurance: Where to Save, Where to Spend

Car insurance: it’s required, but it can get expensive.

When you’re getting ready to cruise the streets of San Francisco, CA, stop by Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. to get a great deal on car insurance. Before you decide on which policy to purchase, consider the following ways to save some money. 

  • Raise your deductible – While a high deductible may sound scary at first, if you’re a safe driver, it’s likely to pay off in the long run. A higher deductible will lower your monthly premium. It’s a great idea to stow away the money you save each month into an emergency fund, in case you would be required to pay your deductible because of an accident. 
  • Maintain good credit – Research shows that when people effectively manage their credit, they’re not as likely to make a car insurance claim. Insurance companies use this information to come to a decision on policy cost for new customers. Paying your bills on time and staying well below your credit limits on your credit cards will help ensure that your credit score helps you get a good deal on car insurance. 
  • Take a drivers’ education course – Many insurance companies offer discounts to drivers who have completed a drivers’ education course. Talk with your agent at Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. in San Francisco, CA to learn more about how taking a drivers’ education course can save you money. 

When it comes to car insurance, remember that it’s important to look at all aspects of the policies you consider, not just cost. Don’t be afraid to ask your agent questions- remember; you’re the customer!

Does Commercial Insurance Cover Copyright Infringement?

Commercial insurance is required by California law but only in certain situations. Sonoma and San Francisco, CA residents must have coverage to provide unemployment benefits to staff, workers compensation if you have a certain amount of laborers, and disability insurance for employees. Certain professions may require you to obtain a professional liability policy, and your agent can discuss these conditions in greater detail with you. 

Is Copyright Infringement Covered?

In today’s world, we simply cannot get around the fact that content is king. As such, the need to produce marketing materials, blog posts, and other sorts of advertising means that we must deal with creators of artwork and marketing. This can put companies at risk if a contractor or other employee uses ideas that were sourced from someone else without their knowledge. If a business displays a logo that another person is claiming ownership of, it can expose that firm to the danger of lawsuits and demands that damages be paid. 

Your general liability insurance policy should protect you in cases where you are held liable for copyright infringement, and depending on your field, you’ll need to determine how much coverage you will need. If you feel your indemnification limits could leave you responsible for an outstanding balance, you can add a commercial insurance umbrella policy that will have higher caps, giving you greater protection. 

Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. Is Here for You 

Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. is experienced in providing Sonoma and San Francisco, CA residents with premium insurance products to fill their everyday needs. We can answer any questions you may have regarding commercial insurance and its protections against copyright infringement issues, and we look forward to hearing from you. You can reach us online, by telephone, or you can stop in to our office to speak to one of our friendly agents today!

Tips for Spring Home Maintenance

Your homeowner’s insurance policy will not cover damage done to your home that is caused by a lack of maintenance. As such, at Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc., serving the greater San Francisco, CA area, we make it a point to let our clients know how important routine home maintenance is. Not only does it help protect your home and its value, but it helps to ensure homeowners insurance claims are not denied because of maintenance issues or problems. Spring is almost upon us, which means that certain home maintenance is needed.

Here are a few of the tips for spring home maintenance. 

Trim Your Trees Back

Winter can be brutal on your trees. Strong winds can damage limbs, cold temperatures can cause damage, and heavy rains can cause the roots to be exposed. When it begins to warm up, you should have your trees inspected by an arborist if there are any signs of damage. Additionally, the tree should be trimmed to remove dead growth and make way for new life. 

Check Your Roofs and Gutters

Spring is the rainy season. If your roofs and gutters are not ready for the rain, leaks and damage can occur. As such, at the end of winter or beginning of spring, you want to take the time to have your roofs and gutters inspected. If any damage is noted, repairs should be made quickly to prevent further rain damage. 

Get Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer

Lastly, spring is the perfect time to have your air conditioner inspected and tuned up. This helps to ensure that when temperatures increase, your unit will be working correctly to keep your home cool. 

Maintaining your home is important, and just as important is having a homeowners insurance policy that fully covers your home and the problems it may face. If you are in the market for a new homeowners insurance policy in the greater San Francisco, CA area, turn to Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. Call us now for a free quote. 

What Should I Do if I’m in an Accident with an Uninsured Motorist?

Driving a car on a daily basis is a necessity for many people. While driving a car is generally a safe activity, there are situations in which you will get into an accident.  While all drivers are required by law in California to carry liability auto insurance, some drivers do not obey this law or requirement. San Francisco, CA residents that are involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist should follow a few steps to ensure they are as protected as possible. 

Contact Police

If you are involved in an accident in which an uninsured motorist is at fault, the first thing that you should do is call the police. While many minor accidents can be handled without police presence, if the other driver in the accident does not have insurance you will want to have a detailed and official record of the accident. 

Contact Insurance Company

After you have contacted the police, the next step would be to contact your insurance company. Depending on whether or not you have collision and comprehensive insurance coverage in place, you may receive full coverage from your insurance company. Furthermore, your insurance company will attempt to collect the damage costs directly from the other party and will pursue legal remedies if it is necessary.

Since being involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist is always a risk, having the right coverage in place to protect yourself is very important. One insurance company in the San Francisco, CA area that could help to ensure you have the right insurance coverage for this risk is Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. will be able to help you better understand your insurance needs and make sure you have the right policy for your situation. 


Can Renter’s Insurance Help Lower Your Rent?

Renting is a great way to save up money for a home of your own or to just avoid having to pay high mortgages and other expenses associated with a house. For those that rent, you are not required to have a homeowners or renters policy but a renters policy is highly suggested. Renter’s insurance can help in the case of a fire or a break-in. Though renter’s insurance is not necessarily mandatory in all apartments or rental spaces, it is highly beneficial. For those in the San Francisco, CA area, the agents with Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. can help you find the right policy for you.

For the most part, renter’s insurance is optional, some landlords, however, will offer a break on their rents if you do have renter’s insurance in place. This is because it will help you to recover your items if something happens which means that you are less likely to come back to the landlord or the rental property itself. Renter’s insurance is mandatory in some rental areas however to protect the rental property and the landlord.

You should find out if your rental agreement offers any sort of breaks for renter’s insurance or if it is mandatory in order to enter into a rental agreement with that particular landlord. Renter’s insurance can help you recover if your possessions if they are damaged, stolen or otherwise destroyed and can even help to rebuild the unit so that you are not liable to help rebuild or to pay your damage deposit. For those that do have renter’s insurance, you can be sure that you are going to benefit from having this type of policy in place.

For those in the San Francisco, CA area, the agents with Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. can help you find the perfect policy.

Minimum Auto Insurance Requirements for the State of California

California drivers are required to carry auto insurance so they can cover any financial losses that can come from an accident, and they must carry proof that they have an active policy inside their vehicle at all times. California drivers are also required to present the necessary documentation in the following circumstances:

  • When it’s being requested by a law enforcement officer
  • When renewing their vehicle’s registration
  • When they’re involved in an automobile accident

California insurance companies are required to file electronic reports on any covered vehicles that are for “private use,” and law enforcement officers and court officials have access to this information.

Minimum Liability Insurance Requirements

If you live in the state of California and drive a vehicle, you must have the following minimum amounts of liability insurance:

  • $15,000 that covers the injury or death of one person
  • $30,000 that covers the injury or death of more than one person
  • $5,000 in property damage coverage

Liability insurance is meant to compensate for any related financial losses for which you are responsible, and it will cover either bodily injury or property damage. However, comprehensive or collision coverage will not meet the state requirements for liability coverage.

Finding the Best Auto Policy in San Francisco, CA

If you live in San Francisco, CA and want to find a reliable automobile policy that will meet state requirements, Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. has a team of agents who will gladly help you. We have been serving the people of San Francisco, CA for a long time, and we can help you find a policy that will meet your needs and fit your budget.

Be sure to contact the office of Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. to find out how we can help you get the coverage you need!

When Tragedy Strikes: Don’t Put Off Filing A Claim

The last thing that you probably want to do when tragedy strikes your business is capture pictures of the damage. You want to forget and move past the horrendous event, but the only way to do that is by gathering documentation and filing an insurance claim. Of course, professional firms such as Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc., which serves the San Francisco, CA area, can help you secure the right policy so that you are financially prepared for unexpected occurrences. Promptly filing a claim, however, is your responsibility. 

When should you file a business insurance claim?

It is crucial to file a business insurance claim immediately after an incident takes place. Granted, you may not be able to get in the building directly following natural disasters such as fires and earthquakes. You should file a claim promptly upon being able to assess damages in these instances. Make sure that all documentation relating to your company, as well as third-party losses, is complete and that pictures accompany your request for compensation. 

Why should you file so quickly?

You stand to lose money or even be denied if you delay filing a business insurance claim. The process of settling a commercial case is also pretty arduous. You may find yourself accepting the first offer the indemnity firm offers in efforts to get the company back up and running when you wait to file a claim. The benefit of contesting low offers comes to those who request compensation for damages promptly. 

Sometimes grief overwhelms you and filing an indemnity claim is the last thing you want to consider when your company is severely damaged or destroyed. It is necessary, however, to make timely requests to get the most out of your plan. Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. can help if your business is near the San Jose or  San Francisco, CA region. Call us today!

What Should You Do If You Have a Claim?

How to Mark a Claim with Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc.

California law does not require residents to purchase homeowner’s insurance, but most lenders will. Though it is never the desire of any homeowner to ever need to make a claim, it is vital to know what steps to take in the event that you sustain damage to your personal possessions or property.  

Do Not Delay

Tell your insurance company as soon as possible that you have sustained damage to your home, and if this is the result of theft, be sure to report this to the police immediately. It is imperative that you understand the insurance coverage that you have, and that you ask for help from your agent if there is anything you don’t understand. It is vital to read your declaration page and know what your limits, deductibles, and exclusions are.

Keep Track

List the items that have been affected, and be sure to take pictures or video of them before any repairs are done. Do not attempt to make permanent improvements, as this is the responsibility of your insurance company. In addition, it is crucial that you keep the receipts for materials that you purchase in order to complete temporary reparations. Carefully itemize your possessions that were destroyed on your proof-of-loss form, and do your best to be present when the adjuster shows up. Notify your insurance company if your property will be vacant, letting them know the address where you will be staying. 

Contact Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. in San Francisco, CA

We at Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. understand how to provide superior customer service, and it is our privilege to serve the residents of Sonoma and San Francisco, CA. We can help you with all your homeowner’s insurance needs, and we encourage you to give us a call or stop by our office to speak to one of our friendly agents today.