Commercial insurance is required by California law but only in certain situations. Sonoma and San Francisco, CA residents must have coverage to provide unemployment benefits to staff, workers compensation if you have a certain amount of laborers, and disability insurance for employees. Certain professions may require you to obtain a professional liability policy, and your agent can discuss these conditions in greater detail with you.
Is Copyright Infringement Covered?
In today’s world, we simply cannot get around the fact that content is king. As such, the need to produce marketing materials, blog posts, and other sorts of advertising means that we must deal with creators of artwork and marketing. This can put companies at risk if a contractor or other employee uses ideas that were sourced from someone else without their knowledge. If a business displays a logo that another person is claiming ownership of, it can expose that firm to the danger of lawsuits and demands that damages be paid.
Your general liability insurance policy should protect you in cases where you are held liable for copyright infringement, and depending on your field, you’ll need to determine how much coverage you will need. If you feel your indemnification limits could leave you responsible for an outstanding balance, you can add a commercial insurance umbrella policy that will have higher caps, giving you greater protection.
Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. Is Here for You
Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. is experienced in providing Sonoma and San Francisco, CA residents with premium insurance products to fill their everyday needs. We can answer any questions you may have regarding commercial insurance and its protections against copyright infringement issues, and we look forward to hearing from you. You can reach us online, by telephone, or you can stop in to our office to speak to one of our friendly agents today!