Why You Should Purchase Home Insurance on Properties That You Are Renting Out

Home insurance is not only for the homes in which we live primarily. For some homeowners, they own several properties that are rented out to tenants and their families. If you own multiple properties in the San Francisco, CA area, be responsible and purchase home insurance on these properties today. Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. has a policy that will fit your needs and protect your property.

Fire Damage

Often, there are unforeseen accidents that can happen in a home, whether you are living in it or renting it out. In the event that one of your homes has fire damage, that structure may be covered under your home insurance policy. Any building on your property, as well as home damages, will be covered. 


Unfortunately, damage can occur to the exterior of your home if you live in a high traffic area. Expect coverage from your home insurance policy if one of your homes falls victim to vandalism. Damages to broken windows, graffiti, and other exterior damages can be costly without an insurance policy. 

Personal Property

While the personal property of a tenant will not be covered by a landlord’s policy, any personal property that you have inside will be included in the policy when damaged by fire or theft. Any appliances, furniture, or equipment that belongs to you as the owner is covered in your policy. If a landlord provides appliances in the rental agreement with tenants, as a landlord, you will need to make sure that you can include them via insurance should tragedy strike. 

Cover Your Properties 

If you do not have home insurance on your multiple properties, let Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. provide you with the coverage you need today. Our agents serve homeowners in the San Francisco, CA area and surrounding communities. 



Home Insurance and Refinancing

When you refinance your home it means that you are adjusting the amount of money that you are paying for your home and that you may be able to have less home insurance coverage. It is important that if you are working to refinance your home, you also reevaluate how much home coverage you need. For those that live in the San Francisco, CA area, the agents with Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. can help you find the perfect policy for your refinanced home.

Refinancing means that you are going to take out a smaller loan or that you are changing the terms of your financing for your home. When you refinance your home, you may also need less home coverage and you need to take the time to make sure your coverage is properly aligned. You may need more or less coverage depending on how much you finance along with other factors. Taking the time to look at your home coverage after you refinance may mean that you can take out a smaller policy and therefore have lower premiums.

This is not always the case. However, you may still want to have a broad policy to cover the cost of replacing the home rather than just taking out an insurance policy for the cost of your mortgage or the loan that you have financed. At the least, your loan amount and your coverage should be in line with one another and should reflect one another to make sure that if your home is damaged, you have the funds to pay off your loan and start over. You can talk with your agent about what needs to be done to adjust your insurance policy properly.

For those in the San Francisco, CA area, the agents with Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. can help. Reach out to our offices to find out more about refinancing and home insurance policies for your residence.

Tips for Spring Home Maintenance

Your homeowner’s insurance policy will not cover damage done to your home that is caused by a lack of maintenance. As such, at Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc., serving the greater San Francisco, CA area, we make it a point to let our clients know how important routine home maintenance is. Not only does it help protect your home and its value, but it helps to ensure homeowners insurance claims are not denied because of maintenance issues or problems. Spring is almost upon us, which means that certain home maintenance is needed.

Here are a few of the tips for spring home maintenance. 

Trim Your Trees Back

Winter can be brutal on your trees. Strong winds can damage limbs, cold temperatures can cause damage, and heavy rains can cause the roots to be exposed. When it begins to warm up, you should have your trees inspected by an arborist if there are any signs of damage. Additionally, the tree should be trimmed to remove dead growth and make way for new life. 

Check Your Roofs and Gutters

Spring is the rainy season. If your roofs and gutters are not ready for the rain, leaks and damage can occur. As such, at the end of winter or beginning of spring, you want to take the time to have your roofs and gutters inspected. If any damage is noted, repairs should be made quickly to prevent further rain damage. 

Get Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer

Lastly, spring is the perfect time to have your air conditioner inspected and tuned up. This helps to ensure that when temperatures increase, your unit will be working correctly to keep your home cool. 

Maintaining your home is important, and just as important is having a homeowners insurance policy that fully covers your home and the problems it may face. If you are in the market for a new homeowners insurance policy in the greater San Francisco, CA area, turn to Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services, Inc. Call us now for a free quote.